Should you go for the Electric Bike or you should stick on the petrol bike?

Basically, this is a small and straightforward article but this may make you go on a stick decision. As we all know, EVs are in the market and people are now so confused about which you should buy. In short, this will be crystal clear that at which bike you should stick Electric v/s petrol bikes.

So today we will discuss this topic on various topics.

 -Charging and petrol
 -Range -Running Cost
 -Service and Maintenance


Well, it’s a very simple topic that on which fuels will electric or petrol bikes will work. So electric bikes will work on a Battery system and normal bikes will work on the basis of ICF (Internal Combustion Engine) which creates energy and lets go of the power to the petrol that makes the bikes able to work and run. Talking about the environment so it’s very clear that electric bike is completely eco-friendly and gives a 0 pollution ratio. On the other Petrol, bike creates 80 % of pollution with their smoke. So according to the point of view of the Environment electricity is far away from petrol bikes.


See in the case of the environment you should buy e-bikes but if we go on the price so, the e-bikes are more expensive than normal bikes. No matter how many subsidiaries are enhanced and new rules and regulations are provided by the government but still e-bikes will be so expensive. Now the question arises why e-bikes are so expensive? So the main reason is its battery system. Companies always insert a lithium-iron battery into the bikes. According to a report the battery has been made with various resources which are so rare and difficult to make so that is the reason the battery of e-bikes are so expensive. But on the other hand, normal bikes are so cheap than e-bikes. Note:- If the price of e-bike batteries goes down so this may be possible that the e-bikes will be sold in the markets at cheaper than normal bikes.

Charging and petrol:

In normal bikes, if you want to make it capable to work so you have to go to the petrol pump, fill the petrol in the tank then start your bike and go wherever you want. that whole process was 2-3 minutes. But on the other hand, e-bikes face some disadvantages. As we all know that e-bikes work on the basis of battery and if you want to make your e-bike capable to work so you have to charge your battery. But this is not an actual problem, the main problem is started when you have an emergency charging of the battery. In India, we already have so shortage of charging ports, and what if, if we are at a place where, there are no charging ports at any particular destination. Not even when a company provides you with a charger you must have to so careful with that charger because if a little moisture will go with the charger that can cause blasting of your e-bikes so this can be risky also. After this, you have to wait for the battery charge minimum of 6 hours which may be a long time period. So suppose if you travelling somewhere and want to charge your battery so you may have to wait for 5-6 hours.


Generally, in one-time charging, the e-bikes will cover 80-100 Km. There are a few models that cover some extra Km but many are the same on the other hand the normal bikes will cover 300 km or more if you make your tank full. According to a report now, e-bikes companies try to make some extra power batteries so that they can cover some extra km.

Running Cost:

In this case, you must have to buy e-bikes that cost the battery. So if we did compare the cost of charging and petrol of both bikes so maximum of 5 Rs. you can charge your battery of e-bike but there is no need to tell that what is the cost of petrol nowadays. So at this point, e-bikes will become the first priority of the public. Even there will also some chances to decrease the charging prices but petrol prices will increase day by day.

Service and Maintenance:

According to my opinion, this may the most important point if you want to differentiate. Maximum 5-6 years we can run a vehicle without any problem but after such years the problems are definitely faced by the owner of the bike. Talking about the e-bike, so this will hardly create any problem during 5-6 years but after such years bikes automatically demand a new battery and that new battery are so expensive may be in lakhs. It means whatever amount you save during the last years by using e-bike so that will go all of sudden to buy a new battery system but in case if you want to buy after 8 years. But on the other hand, normal bikes are not that easy to use in these bikes you must pay maintenance charges after every single month. There will create so many problems at any time. Sometimes in the engine, sometimes in tires and many more, plus petrol charges also. It means it’s very hard to spend 8 years with normal bikes easily. Normal bikes are always demanding for the whole time service.


So in the end the conclusion comes that now the technology became new and advanced. We have to leave the normal bikes because in the future there will no availability of petrol and diesel that is why the companies are focused on the electric vehicles. So now it’s time to except electric vehicles. Talking about the e-bikes problems and their prices, right now e-bikes are new in the market and companies are trying to make them better day by day so that they can make them useable by every particular person. Even price will also be negotiable in the future if the EVs are once perfectly settled down in the market. Anyways that was the whole topic today’s hope this will help you to make you able to make a decision that which bike you should go for.
